Joseph and Colette Discuss Rush vs. L.A. Park


Blood. Punches. Beer. Heat. Lawbreaking. Everything good about professional wrestling, it’s right here in this 2016 match between Rush and L.A. Park, two forever rivals forever angling for an apuestas that may never come. Let’s not filibuster too long — check out our essays, watch the match, and see what Joseph and I had to say about it.

Joseph: LA Park and Rush Cannot Be Contained
Colette: Rush and LA Park: Hate Transfigured

Up Next on BIG EGG: We’re taking next week off, but when we come back we’ll be doing a month-long look at some of the best matches of 2023, as determined by Joseph having seen more than 20 matches from 2023 and my going “I would like to see some Mad Dog Connelly or some joshi or whatever.” Check the slate below!

Joseph Anthony Montecillo
There's something to be said about a match so great that it keeps people on the hook. For the last seven years, fans have clung to the myth of LA Park vs. Rush and the hypothetical apuesta match that they could do in large part thanks to this particular Arena Mexico encounter. This is one of those matches that has a legendary quality. It feels like something that would have only been whispered about in old magazines where we only have pictures of it but instead we have the damn footage as it was meant to be seen, and made available free on YouTube.

Colette Arrand
I hadn’t thought of this match in terms of legendary Apter mag clashes, but you’re right — this has the quality of a Last Battle of Atlanta or a Brody/Abby brawl, only none of it is rumor or innuendo — it’s all there, frame by bloody frame, and it more than lives up to its reputation.

Joseph Anthony Montecillo
I think this is the first time seeing the match that I really understood just what was going on here. When I first saw it a few years ago, I distinctly recall that first DQ reading like the first fall in a traditional lucha bout. Seeing it now and realizing that it was a one-fall match to begin with, it all finally clicks into place what a big fucking deal this is. It's stunning.

Colette Arrand
I did the same thing! But the referee is totally absent and the second and third “fall” have nothing like traditional resolutions, so it clicked into place when the two of them started headbanging before clashing a third time. Like, oh, this is not normal. This is beyond the beyond.