Welcome to BIG EGG

Welcome to BIG EGG

I love the great sport of professional wrestling. For close to three years, I was privileged enough to write and foster an incredible array of writing on the subject, from every conceivable angle. Now I am privileged to be joining Joseph Anthony Montecillo in launching BIG EGG. 

What is BIG EGG? It’s a newsletter about wrestling, written by two of the medium’s best critics. Each week, Joseph and I will analyze a wrestling match, each of us writing an essay before coming together to have a conversation about what we’ve seen. Our individual essays will be free, the conversation will be behind a paywall. 

Joseph and I enjoyed a very good writer/editor relationship at Fanfyte. The way he watches wrestling has always fascinated me – we appreciate a lot of the same things in a wrestling match, but they have an eye for technical detail that I, frankly, do not. He’s also far better traveled than me when it comes to the depth and breadth of what he’s seen. Editing him was always a learning experience for me, and it is my hope that writing with him in a more conversational manner will be as well.

Here’s what Joseph has to say about BIG EGG:

I’ve spent much of the last three years or so of my life working to broaden my horizons when it comes to professional wrestling. A large part of that has been going out of my way to find wrestling that interests me for the specific purpose of writing about it–whether for a blog, an article, or a video. 

BIG EGG’s about continuing to push myself to discover and discuss wrestling, this time with a collaborator to push me onwards. I can’t wait to have a regular project with Colette again, and I’m excited to see what we discover about wrestling together. There’s so much we both don’t know, and learning is even better than knowing.

I won’t tease this out too much, except to say that I hope y’all are looking forward to BIG EGG as much as I am. We are launching in November, and have the first six weeks plotted out. The matches we’re covering to start are as follows: 

Week 1: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. Bret “Hitman” Hart - WWF 3/23/1997
Week 2: Sangre Chicana vs. Perro Aguayo - EMLL 2/28/1986
Week 3: Samoa Joe vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH 10/2/2004
Week 4: Antonio Inoki vs. Billy Robinson - NJPW 12/11/1975
Week 5: El Hijo del Santo and Octagon Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero and Art Barr - AAA 11/6/1994
Week 6: Aja Kong vs. Akira Hokuto - AJW 11/20/1994

Want to participate? Easy enough – sign up for this newsletter, follow us on Twitter, tell your friends, and leave us comments. The big question for now is this: what would you like to see us cover? I’ll do my best to get Joseph on board for a Steve “Mongo” McMichael month, I promise.


BIG EGG (@thateggsobig)
Colette Arrand (@colettearrand
Joseph Anthony Montecillo (@josephweirdness)