Joseph and Colette Discuss Triple H vs. Booker T
Don't hate the player, hate The Game.

We’re a week into Hunter Month, and I don’t know about y’all, but I’m already regretting this. I feel like I’ve gazed into an abyss, and that, rather than the abyss gazing back, it laughed at me like Lemmy Motörhead laughed whenever he managed to scam his great friend “The Cerebral Assassin,” “The King of Kings,” “The Game” Paul “Triple H” Levesque into having Motörhead shit out another (admittedly great) theme song. It can’t possibly get worse, can it?
Up Next: Triple H. Shawn Michaels. Hell in a Cell. The MJF/Adam Cole of its time, only at least Hunter and Shawn had the common courtesy to run the blade.
Joseph Montecillo
It's birthday month for the EGG and we chose to spend it in abject misery by going through the worst of the worst from one of the most maddening pro wrestlers to gain prominence in the last century. The big man Paul Levesque, better known as Triple H. To kick off, we're dropping in at what many would say is the peak of his notoriety, or rather its lowest valley. Perhaps the most hateful of his "Reign of Terror" political machinations, the WrestleMania XIX title match against Booker T. It's a reign specifically designed and booked to spend a year putting the final nails into the coffin of that consistent foe: WCW. I became a wrestling fan some time around 2006, were you experiencing all this in real time?

Colette Arrand
I had, in fact, been driven away from the great sport of professional wrestling the year prior. My last wrestling show was a Raw in Detroit during the Katie Vick angle. I was 14 and in the fifth row and was like “what the fuck am I doing here?” I didn’t watch wrestling again until ECW One Night Stand. Hunter thoroughly nuked my interest in wrestling at right about the time I would have joined a forum or checked out ROH or whatever. Like, my ignorance of what many consider to be a golden age of wrestling stems from how much Triple H sucks, but at least I didn’t see him crush one of my favorite WCW wrestlers in real time.

Joseph Montecillo
As someone who even now remains mostly blind to Booker T's WCW work, what are the best qualities of his run towards the late stages of WCW, and perhaps into the Invasion?