Joseph and Colette Discuss Jun Kasai vs. Jaki Numazawa

On matches that walk so others can fly.

This week, Gimmick Month turned to Big Japan’s distinct style of deathmatch wrestling, the Madness of Massacre Crazy Slaughter match between Jun Kasai and Jaki Numazawa. Neither of us would rank it among our favorites, but the fact that Joseph liked it and I didn’t allowed us an opportunity to talk shop, as well as thumbtacks and razorblades.

Joseph: It’s All About the Thumbtacks, Baby
Colette: Jun Kasai and Jaki Numazawa Accomplish Something, I’m Just Not Sure What

Next Week: Ultraviolence begets ultraviolence, as we travel from Japan to Philadelphia for the culmination of the Ring of Honor vs. Combat Zone Wrestling feud. That’s right, y’all — Cage of Death meets WarGames as Team ROH tries to prove its supremacy against Team CZW. What more can you say?

Joseph Anthony Montecillo
So this week was really interesting for both of us because it's the first time that we both discovered a match together specifically for the project and I think that's why it's so interesting how our respective opinions came out. You wrote that this is probably the least of your BIG EGG matches so far and while I didn't think it was great, I probably enjoyed it a whole sight better than you. Do you think more of your problems came from a stylistic disconnect with BJW in general or that this was more a failure of curation and that we just missed out on the better stuff?

Colette Arrand
Well, there’s always going to be a wrestling match that doesn’t resonate with you, regardless of its reputation, and that’s half the gamble in approaching something new. All of the BJW I’ve seen besides this involves Zandig, which is almost at the intersection of this match and the theatrical stuff I praised in my piece. In all honesty, I was expecting to be grossed out by this and wound up feeling robbed of that, if that makes sense? I wanted to cringe! So less than a stylistic disconnect, I think it just means I need to find something with more edge. More edge than a board full of razors, even.