Joseph and Colette Discuss Jim Duggan vs. Ted DiBiase
I will spare you my feelings on the matter of whether or not Jim Duggan is one of the greatest to ever do it and say this instead: Joseph and I both really like this match, and could both see a version of events we never got, where Duggan’s talents were fully realized and the world was a little less bitter. Let’s get to chatting!
Joseph: In a Match with All the Stipulations, the Fight Takes Center Stage
Colette: Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Ted DiBiase Throw in the Kitchen Sink
Colette Arrand
More than anything, what impresses me most about this match is that, in less than 15 minutes, it brought two years of feuding to a satisfying conclusion. Both of us talked about this in our pieces, but what we didn't look into much is the most ridiculous aspect of the match, the tuxedos, which stemmed from DiBiase making fun of the idea of Duggan wearing a pair of fancy cufflinks. This led to a best dressed contest, which required an applause-o-meter, which, short of an arm-wrestling contest or submission challenge, is my favorite kind of angle. DiBiase's complaints go unheard by the Watts consortium, so he goes out to the parking lot and takes a baseball bat to Duggan's car, hence "parking lot style" being an add-in to the whole shebang. Nearly every single aspect that wasn't already turned into a match somewhere along the way is represented here, and, man, it's like pro-wrestling nirvana to me. I do not have a question to start with, I just want to bask a little longer in this match's greatness.
Joseph Anthony Montecillo
It's such a great match, pure Mid-South goodness. Most of what I'd seen from that territory in the past has been from the Midnight Express vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express feud which had a (relatively) lighter tone than this particular rivalry. This one feels just a bit more personal, what with the two being former partners, the heated beatdown angles, and even the inclusion of Skandor Akbar. Akbar, in particular, takes what's just a standard tag breakup and makes it about these bigger ideals of patriotism and fairness too.
Colette Arrand
There's a class angle, too, which comes into play in the best dressed contest in particular, DiBiase's incredulity that a big oaf like Hacksaw might look good in a tophat and tails.