Against John Cena, Umaga Takes the Stairs

EXTRA BIG EGG for Cena Month concludes with the Last Man Standing Match from the 2007 Royal Rumble.

Against John Cena, Umaga Takes the Stairs

I went into this viewing of John Cena vs. Umaga from the 2007 Royal Rumble with a question pre-written in my notes: Is John Cena vs. Umaga the greatest WWE match of all time? It’s a big question that has simple answer: No, it is not. It isn’t even John Cena’s best match (right now I’m leaning Cena/Brock from Extreme Rules 2012). But I had the question written down because, for a very long time, I did have it penciled in at or near the top of the list, this weird hybrid of modernized WWE brawling, territory-era monster vs. ace booking, and one of my least favorite gimmick matches, a bloody mess of a match that ends with Cena screaming like a Final Girl while choking out Umaga, who goes through an almost upsetting amount of head and back trauma in the process.