Joseph and Colette Discuss The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
What made Colette think that this was the WrestleMania 26 Retirement Match?

My half of hot takes month is over, and in both instances I have to admit to foolishness, the sort of thing that happens when you enjoy harmlessly talking shit. It’s like when I told my boyfriend I was incredible at Mario Kart, a game that I have always been terrible at, and immediately, definitively got stomped — I made myself the villain and it’s very funny, to me, how easily I was toppled over. With the Unbreakable Three Way and the WrestleMania 25 Taker/Michaels match, it’s two decades-long opinions, both of which I’ve actually put thought into and have supported for years, undone in an instant because I had fun watching them with my pal Joseph on stream, which disarmed me when I went to watch them again for my essays.
Will this hold true for the second half of Hot Takes Month? Couldn’t begin to guess! I know very little about NJPW from 2018 forward, and basically nothing about Stardom — my longstanding distaste for Will Ospreay aside, I have no reason to anticipate actively disliking either match, especially given that my my active distaste for what we’ve covered to this point had festered longer than any opinion I’ve had of Will. Before we get to that, though, here’s the chat Joseph and I had about Undertaker/Michaels.
There’s a lot of chatter in here about how I mixed this up with WrestleMania 26, which is a fair question! I asked Joseph if I should maybe watch the rematch and he didn’t answer in an actionable way, so I’ll leave it to you, the unpaid subscriber who dutifully reads these previews: If BIG EGG gets one new paid subscriber this week, I’ll add it to the EXTRA BIG EGG rotation along with RVD vs. Undertaker and yet to be determined matches featuring Will Ospreay and Tam Nakano. See the rest of y’all after the paywall.
Next Week: We get into the real good stuff as far as hot takes are concerned: WILL OSPREAY, BABY. One of his most vaunted classics in the Best of the Super Juniors 2019 final against Shingo Takagi. Will it stand up to scrutiny or will the Brit get knocked down once again?