Joseph and Colette Discuss Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart

Welcome, subscribers, to the first week of BIG EGG bonus content. Every Sunday, we’ll be posting a conversation about the week’s favored match, touching on the points we made in our respective pieces, as well as digging into details that didn’t make it. Thank you for your support, especially this early in the project!

If you missed them, be sure to read our essays on the WrestleMania 13 match between Steve Austin and Bret Hart before this discussion. Colette’s is on Steve Austin’s vulnerability, and Joseph’s is on Bret Hart’s cruelty. They go together like legs and feet.


Joseph Anthony Montecillo
Week 1 of Big Egg! And we chose a pretty big one to kick off.

Colette Arrand
Yeah, one of the biggest WWE matches ever. Certainly one of the absolute best. A match I somehow hadn’t seen before, too.

Joseph Anthony Montecillo
Yeah, that was weird. How have you avoided it for so long?

Colette Arrand
I was a WCW kid in 1997. I was a Bret Hart kid, too, but I could only watch one Monday night show, and Nitro was it. By the time I was old enough to be interested in filling in the past, I was very much of the opinion that Vince McMahon shouldn’t get a dime from anything Bret did, an opinion that grew over time into my current stance on Vince McMahon, and it just slipped. I watched almost everything except Bret’s best year. Actively and passively avoiding finishing his career, I suppose.