Joseph and Colette Discuss Sara Del Rey vs. Amazing Kong
We should have had more of this matchup, but we didn't. That's wrestling, baby!

This week, BIG EGG visited one of the biggest possible matchups possible in early SHIMMER, Sara Del Rey vs. Amazing Kong for the SHIMMER Championship. It’s one of only six matches between two of the most important women of their generation, and it sets the table for for more between the two in the promotion that later culminated in a brief tag run. You’ll never guess which of the BIG EGG crew has a more pragmatic view of the situation!
Joseph: Sara Del Rey and Amazing Kong Don’t Need Pinfalls
Colette: Sara Del Rey vs. Amazing Kong Could Have Been Great
Next Week: Next week, right in time for Nicole Matthews' return to American soil, we have a match featuring The Canadian NINJAs! Two of SHIMMER's greatest heels of all time take on two of its heroic icons in Cheerleader Melissa & MsChif! It's tag team action from Volume 29 as we finally enter SHIMMER in the 2010s!
Colette Arrand
I can’t tell you why, but I remember there being much more Kong/Del Rey in the world than their ultimately was, and this is probably their most significant singles encounter. I have no memory of their ROH matches and remember the BDK vs. Kong/Saeed tag match from CHIKARA being alright, but more of a one-off with no build. Does the lack of a follow-up in SHIMMER bug you as much as it clearly bugged me?
Joseph Anthony Montecillo
It probably would if I watched the whole Kong run leading into this. The match itself is very clear about the fact that they're setting the table for something bigger, at least that's something I'm happy to believe about SHIMMER at this time. But at the same time, indie wrestling especially is riddled with unfulfilled promises. Doubly so when TV contracts start getting involved. I think that knowledge helped me come to this being more grateful for what was there as opposed to bummed about what wasn't.