Joseph and Colette Discuss Samoa Joe vs. Bryan Danielson

Welcome to the end of week three of BIG EGG, in which Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe put on an absolute clinic for the ROH World Championship. Here’s the match:

And here are this week’s essays, should you need to catch up!

Joseph: Samoa Joe vs. Bryan Danielson Approaches Pro Wrestling Perfection
Colette: Samoa Joe Is the Coolest Wrestler

Joseph Anthony Montecillo
I've been gushing about your essay all over online because it rocks and you guys haven't read it yet, genuinely why not? I hadn't realized you'd been so in the dark about prime Joe and reading about you falling in love with him through this one match was such a joy.

Colette Arrand
Yeah, totally in the dark. I've seen the Unbreakable three way, but I think three ways are a punishment from God, so I didn't count it for or against him. And I wasn't watching NXT for most of his run there, either. I basically know Joe as he is now, which is him operating in legend mode, so far as I can tell, and you know what? He's one of the most engaging, physically charismatic wrestlers in the world today, so adding the ability and hunger of youth to that? How can you not?

Joseph Anthony Montecillo
Hahahahhaha, you have so much left to find. As you alluded to in the piece, it's a full 2 years of that reign, and that's not even getting into all the post-title stuff he did in 2005 (his career year).

Colette Arrand
My friend Ed, who has been trying to get me to watch ROH for as long as I've known them, is particularly high on The Rottweilers. I know Jay Lethal is involved in that particular story, but not everything can be perfect.

Joseph Anthony Montecillo
Look, you get Samoa Joe brawling with Homicide and Low Ki for a year and a half. We gotta take the good with the bad.