Introducing New Paid Tier Features


Introducing New Paid Tier Features

Hello! As has been hinted at recently, changes are coming to BIG EGG’s paid tier. This discussion between Joseph and I digs into them! To wit, there are two new features coming to the paid tier, as well as a giveaway of rare wrestling ephemera. If you’re already a paid subscriber, thank you! If not, why not give it a shot? Our first new paid tier feature will be live this week!

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Colette Arrand
Joseph! BIG EGG turned one late last year, and now we're on our way to having covered 50 matches together. That's 100 essays between the two of us, covering the best and worst of wrestling, stretching back decades, spanning entire genres of this great sport. With all of that in mind, you and I have been talking about making some changes to BIG EGG, particularly when it comes to the paid tier. There's a couple of big ones, too — where should we start?

Joseph Montecillo
First, I just wanted to talk about something that's gone away, just in case some people have missed the announcement over on Twitter. As far as my best matches of the month are concerned, that and most all current day reviews can now be found on my personal website

That being said, I'm excited about the new stuff we've got planned for the paid tier. I think a good place would be to start with the great BIG EGG MASTERLIST.

Colette Arrand
Okay, so. 50 matches is a nice number to hit, the sort of number that makes you want to order and rank things, to make big statements like "greatest wrestler" or "best match." Once we do hit 50 matches, that's what we're going to do: reengage with the entire BIG EGG canon and hash out where they fall from worst to first. And once we've done that, we're going to keep going.

Joseph Montecillo
We write about wrestling on the internet which means we're suckers for lists. I fucking love lists, I do a bunch of them yearly for people to say dumb things to me about! What'll make this masterlist exciting for both of us here and hopefully everyone reading is that it will be a single, collaborative list. That means Colette and I have to agree on each placement which will involve compromises and negotiations on both our parts which we feel will be a really cool new part of the weekly discussion pieces we do for paid subscribers.

Colette Arrand
So the discussions we end the week with will turn into something of a spirited debate as we try to figure out if , for example, Raven and Stevie Richards vs. The Pitbulls is better than Sami Zayn vs. Johnny Knoxville. I think it'll end up highlighting our differences as critics, and it'll let us bury Triple H a little every week, without even mentioning him.

Joseph Montecillo
That man is never crawling out of the bottom 4, unless we somehow get to writing about Gargano and Ciampa.

Colette Arrand
Or MJF vs. Adam Cole. But I think we've learned our lesson.

...holy shit

...we have to figure out which Triple H match is the worst, second worst, third worst, and fourth worst.

Joseph Montecillo
I mean, I have my answers!

We're quite hopeful about these choices, think it makes it fun for everyone involved. Both for us adding new ways to examine our own opinions and philosophies and for all of you reading us argue and having an exclusive ranked list to track.

Colette Arrand
And hopefully comment on! I can't be the only person who joined forums like Smarkschoice to make impassioned arguments about The Giant vs. Jeff Jarrett belonging in a Top 100 WCW Matches of All Time list. It'd be sick if the BIG EGG comment section started rocking as we delve deeper into year two!

Joseph Montecillo
Yeah, I always see cool comments under some of our more impassioned stuff, so I'm hoping more of that comes through as we move along this year. If there are things of interest you think might make the newsletter better too, or things you'd be interested in seeing as part of our paid tier, do let us know as well!

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Colette Arrand
In addition to the format change, paid subscribers will also receive more from BIG EGG. Y'all were so kind in choosing Triple H vs. Cactus Jack for me to review when the newsletter hit 1,000 subscribers that I'm going to keep letting you spin the wheel and make the deal, so to speak — every month I'll be writing an extra essay as voted on by you, featuring one of the wrestlers/teams Joseph and I cover throughout the course of the month. The poll will go out to everybody who subscribes, but only paid subscribers will get the essay.

Joseph Montecillo
Yeah, the bonus stuff you've done has always been cool. The Mankind/Rock title switch one was real great, so I'm excited to see this become a regular thing. Can never get enough of the EGG.

Colette Arrand
This is me realizing that Mick Foley secretly has more BIG EGG essays than anyone short of Terry Funk.

Joseph Montecillo
Foley is god, so they say.

Colette Arrand
Speaking of Mick, to sweeten the pot even further, I'll be running BIG EGG's first giveaway. Subscribing to a newsletter in a fractured media landscape where everything is under a paywall is no small investment, so, when we hit 100 paid subscribers, I'll be giving one of y'all the official program for IWA Japan's 1995 King of the Deathmatch tournament. I don't want to leave free subscribers out, so when we hit that number I'll also be giving away a copy of the program for FMW's 2nd Anniversary Show.

Joseph Montecillo
Hell yeah. Memorabilia like that's always so special so we hope this is a neat little incentive for you guys to continue supporting us as you've been so kind to do so far.

Colette Arrand
I think that's all! Thank you again for supporting us over the past year. Not to get wistful, but I really am grateful to y'all, and to Joseph, for continuing to read BIG EGG. We launched this during an extremely uncertain period of my life as a writer and a wrestling fan, and while I still sometimes miss the old digs, it's been an incredible privilege to build something new. And now that it ain't new anymore, I'm looking forward to the challenge of making BIG EGG even better.

Joseph Montecillo
Stick with us! We hope you enjoy everything that's coming!


  • A change to weekly Joseph/Colette conversations, where the aim will be creating a definitive ranking of every match covered on BIG EGG, from worst to first.
  • Feature launches when we hit 50 matches, with a special series of subscriber-only posts ranking the first 50.


  • An extra essay from Colette featuring a wrestler covered during the month.
  • Subscribers choose the match via a poll.
  • The essay is exclusive to paid subscribers.


  • Upon reaching 100 paid subscribers, we’re giving away the following:

    • Paid Tier: IWA Japan 1995 King of the Deathmatch Program

    • Free Tier: FMW 2nd Anniversary Program

  • Yes, we can ship internationally. No, you don’t need to buy anything to participate — the FMW program absolutely rocks.