The Undertaker and Rob Van Dam Go to the Moderately Extreme

The Undertaker demonstrates new depths in an otherwise mostly just fun Hardcore Title match against Rob Van Dam.

The Undertaker and Rob Van Dam Go to the Moderately Extreme

Hello! If you’re reading this, that means that BIG EGG’s transfer from Substack to Ghost has been a rousing success. If you subscribed to BIG EGG via email, free or paid, there’s nothing for you to do — everything has been ported over, and you should have access to all of the premium content Joseph and I have posted in the past, as well as what’s coming in the future. Hell yeah. A couple of notes before we get to RVD vs. The Undertaker.

  1. We’re working on the biggest issue we encountered in the move, which is that I am now credited as the author of almost every piece published on BIG EGG. You can probably tell Joseph and I apart by this point (he’s the guy who knows how wrestling works), but it’s important.
  2. EXTRA BIG EGG will work a little differently on the new platform, as there isn’t a native polling feature on Ghost. My plan at the moment is to do an extra match featuring at least one participant in whatever Joseph and I are covering, or, like when I reviewed the Belfast Bruiser vs. Lord Steven Regal parking lot brawl, something a match reminds me of. Either way, it’s four extra essays a cycle. For Ospreay/Takagi, I’m going to be a total dunce and revisit Will Ospreay vs. Bryan Danielson from AEW Dynasty 2024.
  3. We’re adding a tier to our paid subscription options. It’s $2/mo or $20/yr. For your $2/mo, you will get access to one EXTRA BIG EGG essay per cycle. The other three EXTRA BIG EGG essays and the BIG EGG MASTERLIST convos remain exclusive to the $7/mo tier. The Ospreay/Danielson essay will be the essay available to the $2/mo tier.

Thanks again for supporting BIG EGG. I won’t go into the reasons why we moved, but the fact that so many of you are reading this made said move worthwhile. With all of that out of the way, let’s get to Undertaker vs. RVD.